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Remote Pumping Station Monitoring Solution Applied to Remote Pumping Station Troubleshooting

Views : 10440
Author : Jeakie
Update time : 2023-05-05 17:21:34
Remote Pumping Station Monitoring Solution Applied to Remote Pumping Station Troubleshooting

Maintenance and troubleshooting of remote pumping stations can be difficult and time-consuming, as these facilities are often located in confined and remote areas. In the past, local service engineers were dispatched to visit unmanned pumping stations to check for problems. However, the implementation of an industrial device network can efficiently monitor and control water flow, pressure levels, and potential leak issues in real time.

Industrial networking equipment also provides built-in advanced event handling software features to report alarms in real-time via text message or email. This allows for immediate notification of on-call technicians and staff of emergency and non-emergency occurrences.

Two solutions are available for remote pumping station monitoring. The traditional solution includes an Industrial Compact Gigabit Managed Ethernet Switch, an Industrial Serial to Ethernet Device Server, and an RTU. Alternatively, the BLIIOT solution comprises an Industrial Compact Gigabit Managed Ethernet Switch and an S475 Cellular M2M IoT RTU.

By using these solutions, maintenance and service personnel can receive real-time data from the monitoring equipment. This allows for better allocation of resources, more efficient operation, and less downtime. Ultimately, the use of industrial device networking can improve the overall reliability and safety of remote pumping stations.
1.Remote field site contains extreme ambient weather concerns
2.Real-time data transmission between the pumping station and control center
3.High MTBF network equipment to ensure reliability
4.Ability to transmit data over long distances

Application Requirements
1.Industrial grade networking devices to perform under harsh environments
2.Capability to connect existing devices to the TCP/IP network
3.Reliable data routing with built-in network management software
4.Shock & vibration resilience
5.High MTBF and wide temperature range support
6.Enable integration of video surveillance systems
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